10 Things You Should Know about Solar Panels

Green energy is gaining popularity at an accelerating rate and solar energy is one of the best green options for homeowners. A solar panel is a group of electrically connected solar cells, enclosed in a frame, that converts sunlight into electricity. Going solar has many benefits, saving you money while helping the environment, and it may have some limitations related to your home's location and weather conditions. Let's go into more detail with ten basic facts about solar panels:

  1. The concept of harnessing the sun's energy is not new

The first to predict that it could come true was Leonardo da Vinci, in the 15th century. The first solar cell was developed in the 19th century, but its solar efficiency was only 1%.

  1. Solar energy is completely free and renewable

Once the initial costs of the solar panels are covered, you won’t need to spend a penny on the electricity they produce. In addition, you will reduce your carbon footprint by using solar energy, since it is totally green and renewable.

Solar energy users save up to 75 million barrels of oil and 35 million tons of carbon dioxide annually. In addition, a large amount of energy can be harnessed from the sun: in just one hour, the Earth receives more energy than it would consume in a whole year (approximately 120 terawatts).

  1. What are they made of?

Solar panels contain solar cells, also known as photovoltaic cells, made of semiconductors (such as silicon) that convert sunlight into electricity. When light hits cells, electrons break away from their atoms and flow through the cell, generating electricity.

Today, solar cells contained in domestic installations or air source heat pump Installation can convert around 20% of the sunlight they receive into electricity, while some commercial systems can reach 40% of the so-called solar efficiency. However, technology is advancing rapidly and solar efficiency is expected to grow accordingly, while prices go down.

  1. There are two types of solar panels

Photovoltaic panels (solar photovoltaics) convert sunlight into electricity, while thermal solar panels heat water by absorbing heat from the sun and can be used to heat houses or swimming pools.


  1. The initial cost

The cost of installing solar panels should not be overestimated, because although the prices are high, the payback period is quite short due to savings on electricity bills and government aid. Homes equipped with solar panels sell faster and at a higher price than those without.

Advances in technology and increases in the number of facilities will likely lower prices, due to economies of scale and lower cost of materials. In fact, prices have been continuously falling since the introduction of solar panels - in 1977, a kilowatt of solar power would have cost you as much as $ 76.67. Today, that kilowatt costs $ 0.30.

  1. Maintenance

Once installed, almost no solar panel maintenance is required. You will just have to make sure that they are clean and do not have shadow of anything. A sloped roof will require less cleaning, as the rain helps remove dirt. Also, solar panels have a very long lifespan. They have a standard 25-year warranty, but can last up to 30-40 years.

  1. Solar panels do not need direct sunlight to work.

Although maximum efficiency is reached when the sun is shining, electricity is still produced on cloudy days and during winter. On the other hand, electricity cannot be produced at night, but a storage system can solve this problem. The cost of the solar battery storage system can be paid for by selling excess energy to the national grid and with the benefit of making it 100% independent of energy. You should still consider that solar panels produce free electricity during the day, which is when it is most expensive and therefore most valuable.

  1. Possible problems

Before installing solar panels, you need to consider the shape and slope of the roof and the location of the house itself. For the best annual performance, the roof should face south at an angle of approximately 30 degrees. These are not strict requirements, as solar panels also work in different environments, as long as the installation is shadow-free between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. It is important to keep the panels away from bushes and trees for two reasons: they can shade the premises and branches and leaves can scratch the surface and reduce its performance. Excessive exposure to wind and rain can also degrade long-term performance, so protection from the wind should be considered when evaluating the location. However, as mentioned above, solar panel installers come with 25-year warranties, which guarantee that production should not be less than 80% within that time period. Also, surprisingly, solar panels don't work better in warmer climates. This is because solar cells take advantage of sunlight and not heat, and their efficiency decreases with high temperatures.

  1. Technology is versatile

Solar panels can be used on check out here any type of building, road, bridge, and even spacecraft and satellites. Solar power is making its way into all aspects of life - lightweight portable panels are already present in your solar window blinds and small devices like phone chargers.

Additionally, next-generation cars and boats are upgrading to solar power. Large, empty areas are increasingly used to host solar farms. The largest is located in California's Mojave Desert and generates 90% of the commercially produced solar energy in the world.

  1. Permissions

You will not need to apply for a planning permit to install solar panels in the country, as long as your installation does not protrude more than 200mm. Therefore, you will need permission if your system is too large or for other reasons, such as location within protected sites.

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